International Wood Industry Directory

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At Hunter, the commercial brand of Lijas Argentinas, we celebrate 35 years in the market for abrasives and solutions for repairing and painting. This family business with 100% national capital has a wide range of products that have positioned us as a leader in the abrasive market and solutions for work and home. Among the most outstanding products are sandpaper sheets, belts, discs and a wide variety of abrasive formats for both hand and machine work. Among the sandpapers, the water-based, multipurpose, anti-fogging and emery cloth stand out. In the last 20 years, Hunter has explored and diversified its production in solutions and tools to repair and paint both in the world of wood, drywall and general construction. Among the products that have been developed, the classic Patch Kit stands out, which, celebrating Hunter's 35th anniversary, we renewed throughout its Classic, Wall, Auto and Agro family. A complete line of adhesives was also developed, such as Vinyl Glue, solutions for wood with Stains, Putties and Teak, Tapes, Brushes, Rollers, Trays, etc.